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Stylish Dresses For The Mother Of Bride From Bridelily

Stylish Dresses For The Mother Of Bride From Bridelily

It may be the couple's big day, but that doesn't mean the mother of the bride can't look fabulous too.Don’t overlook your own attire for the occasion. You are not just any guest, you are the mother of the bride, an important title that calls for a great gown. While the dress should be appropriate for the occasion, there is no need to wear anything matronly or dated--we recommend channeling Bridelily for inspiration. Below, we’ve gathered beautiful mother of bride dresses that will have you looking and feeling your best at the wedding.

Stylish Dresses For The Mother Of Bride From Bridelily

Champagne or pink is a great neutral tone for weddings that looks especially flattering with dark hair. Just because you don't want to dress "too young" doesn't mean you can't be modern. A simple lace or chiffon dress is supremely elegant and age-appropriate. Try a cheery dress for a daytime wedding, it will instantly bring a dose of sunshine to the affair.

Stylish Dresses For The Mother Of Bride From Bridelily

Floral and lace are always classic elements. Think of a simple shift. This dress could easily carry a suite of glittering jewels. This gorgeous blue dress will look beautiful in the spotlight. You will be the beautiful mother on the wedding with these dresses.

Stylish Dresses For The Mother Of Bride From Bridelily

The blowing fabric of the black ensemble create a flattering shape so you can be sure you will look good in every single photo. This shade will look good with any complexion and the long sleeves are perfect for a cooler evening.

The big day has arrived and you have spent your time leading up to this moment helping their wedding. Just take some time to show yourselves.

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